For Teachers
You became a teacher because you love children. You know that you are not only teaching basic skills of reading, writing and arithmetic.
For six to eight hours each school day, you become an important person in lives of those you teach. You are their leader, role model, mentor and crisis averter. You help them problem-solve and think critically. You provide comfort and security. For some children, you may be the most consistent person in their lives.
Through your relationship, you also are teaching children to live with one another: how to deal with conflicts, how to be friends, how to show kindness and how to care for one another.
The activities on this website provide ideas and resources for how to encourage the development of these skills with children and the adults who care for them. Most of them are geared for parents and children. Some activities can be adapted for larger groups.
The most effective school-based bullying prevention programs involve comprehensive school-wide assessment, staff training and bullying prevention curriculum as part of all grades and classrooms. The ideas presented on this website may compliment school-based interventions.
The most effective bullying prevention programs also have a strong parent involvement. Please consider collaborating with your parents regarding these ideas.
This website provides ideas for how to encourage the development of these skills.
- Please use the resource information on these pages to better understand the challenges children face with bullying.
- Use the activities and strategies to foster a kind environment in your classroom and in your school.
- Additional teacher resources: